Thursday, 10 September 2009

Dual Citizenship

While we would like to consider ourselves as a market stall for the very best of Zambian crafts and fashion we will also from time to time discuss issues that affect the people of Zambia world over. After all it is by this medium that we hope people can see the Zambia The Real Africa. Below is a burning issue as at now:

The National Constitutional Conference recently adopted the dual citizenship clause to be included in the draft constitution to be presented to parliament later this year. However it is believed that a number of MP's are opposed to the idea. What do we think? Should it be included in the constitution of Zambia? Please lets have a meaningingful discussion

Sunday, 6 September 2009

Pindamuka Zambia

We are a small to medium scale trading firm with the aim of building young upstart businesses in Zambia. Our aim is to promote disadvantaged manufactures and traders to bring their products to the buying public world wide. Our For the next month or so we are focusing on producing celebration garments for the 45th Independence celebrations of Zambia. We are happy to take orders for the various garments displayed. Our production team will be willing to look at specific requests if you have any. For further information please contact chikonditrading@ or +4479507839579 00260966780019


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